
Press review #2

I liked writing the first press review, so i was impatient to write another one! Here it is. It revolves around user experience and more, I hope you'll like it!

Sideways dictionary: As they put it: "it's like a dictionary, but using analogies instead of definitions." A dictonary for technology principle. It's a very well designed website, cool concept and user's suggestion can be funny. I'll let you explore it!

Improving mobile web conversions just by optimizing web forms: This one is easy to summarize: use autocomplete to your forms as much as you can. As promoted, it will reduce the pain for users, especially for mobile users. I'm pretty confused, because as this tweet showed, the autocomplete could be used to steal user's private data.

How to launch software changes without pissing people off: This article seems very important to me. We tend to consider users as passive, ready for every changes. We are not. We are pissed when our habits get crambles. I don't advocate for them not to happen, rather to accompany them for a smooth transition. As Proust said:

Nous n'arrivons pas à changer les choses suivant notre désir, mais peu à peu notre désir change. « Albertine disparue », in À la recherche du temps perdu

Blogging principles I use: Prolific and awesome Julia Evans produces a little and helpful zine on what to think when you blog. It's smart and honest like all her blog posts, so I highly recommend to explore more articles from her!

Créer une startup dans l’IoT : est-ce que ce monde est sérieux ? Once again another French article. It's all about IoT startups. Basically, it's not as easy as launching a full web startup. Having a decent hardware comes at a price which many startups and investors failed to identify when they launched. Think of it, it does not mean you are bound to fail, rather it's gonna be tougher than you think!

I've created a comment section (that redirect you to my twitter or my mail) on the blog. If you like those reviews, have critics to express, i'll welcome them with pleasure!